Samantha Felix

Where are you from?

A small rural town in Bedford County, PA.

Where do you/did you attend school? Share with us the city/town, what you
are majoring in, what your academic interests are?

I am a student at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown located in Johnstown, PA. I am pursuing a Biology and Environmental Studies double major. My academic interests include native plant restoration, horticulture, and anything else to do with those fields.    

What are your career goals?

I would like to go into a field of work that is personally rewarding and makes a difference in my community.   

Outside of school and work what are your hobbies and/or interests?

Native plant and vegetable gardening, nature trail building, visiting national and state parks, and learning new things.  

What is your internship project focus? Explain what you will be doing, which
parks/partners will you be working with? Who is your mentor at the Olmsted Center

My main focus will be on the tree groves located at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Somerset, PA. Some side focuses include activities related to the other parks included in WEPA. 

Why did you choose to participate in a Designing the Parks Internship? How is your internship hosted?

This internship offers me the opportunity to learn about something that I am very interested in. My internship is hosted through NCPE.

What are you looking forward to learning or exploring during your internship?

I am looking forward to learning more about native plants and tree husbandry as it relates to park design and cultural landscape preservation, and building professional workplace skills.

What types of opportunities will Designing the Parks provide you with?

Designing the Parks will provide me with opportunities to build core skills and create invaluable connections.