Emelyn Najera


Where are you from?

Sunny Los Angeles. Specifically, the smaller and lesser known suburb of Azusa, California.

 Where do you attend school? 

I currently attend the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, PA. I am a third-year graduate student working on completing my M.S. in Historic Preservation, with a concentration in conservation science, and my Master in City and Regional Planning, with a concentration in community and economic development.

I previously attended the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles, where I received my Bachelor of Architecture.

What are your career or educational goals?

I’m a big fan of architecture and the stories a building can tell. Following graduation from Penn, I would like to work for an architectural firm and do my part in documenting and preserving historic structures. My ultimate career aspiration is to become a licensed architect.

 Outside of school and work what are your hobbies and/or interests?

Reading, drawing, running outside when the weather is nice, and volunteering at cat shelters. But when the weather is terribly gloomy I can spend hours watching movies and television.

What is your internship project focus? 

As a summer intern with the Olmsted Center, I will be focused on producing graphics and text for a cultural landscape report on the Johnstown Flood National Memorial. Jennifer Hanna, my mentor, will provide guidance towards my understanding and production of the final product.

Why did you choose to participate in a Designing the Parks Internship?

My internship position is hosted in conjunction with the Latino Heritage Program. LHIP and the Olmsted Center provided an excellent opportunity to spend the summer applying and practicing my graphic skills in a new context.

What are you looking forward to learning or exploring during your internship?

First I’m looking forward to exploring the city of Boston and its multiple historic and iconic landmarks. I’m also looking forward to working with the team at Olmsted and gaining a behind-the-scenes look of the process involved in planning and preserving cultural landscapes. Furthermore, I am excited to go to Acadia National Park and curious about the field work that will be done later at the Johnstown Flood Memorial.

What types of opportunities will Designing the Parks provide you with?

An internship with the Designing the Parks program provides me the opportunity to practice the graphic and research skills that I’ve acquired throughout my education. In addition I am excited to work closely with my mentor and the other professionals at the Olmsted Center, and contribute to a report that will be used by the staff at the Johnstown Flood Memorial. Furthermore I am excited to partake in all the fun opportunities that will come up throughout the summer working in Boston and with the Olmsted Center.