Hayley Malloy

Where are you from?

I am from Manchester, MA

Where do you attend school? Share with us the city/town, what you are majoring in, what your academic interests are?

I went to University of Vermont. I got a BA in History and a BA/BS in Anthropology with a concentration in Anthropology.

What are your career or educational goals?

I really want to work in an some archaeological aspect for the Parks Service.

Outside of school and work what are your hobbies and/or interests?

I really like to read and go on hikes. In the summer I work for a independent organization teaching PhD students how to conduct archaeological research in the field.

What is your internship project focus? Explain what you will be doing, which parks/partners will you be working with? Who is your mentor at OCLP?

My mentor for my project is Bob Page. I am working on cultural resource stewardship assessments (CRSA) for multiple parks (PETE, FIIS, FRSP, CACO).

Why did you choose to participate in a Designing the Parks Internship? How is your internship hosted? (Examples include: LIHP, ACE, HBCUI, Mosaics in Science, etc)

The Designing the Parks Internship program offered interesting opportunities to explore different aspects of the National Park Service. Usually people understand park service being strictly landscapes such as the Grand Canyon and Yosemite, but in reality it includes so much more. For example, it includes archaeology, museum services, climate change, cultural anthropology, and cultural landscapes. The Olmsted Center offered an opportunity to explore all of these aspects while I completed CRSA work.

What are you looking forward to learning or exploring during your internship?

I’m looking forward to exploring and learning more about archaeological and museum aspects/programs within the parks service.

What types of opportunities will Designing the Parks provide you with?

I’m looking forward to gaining a fuller understanding of the park service in its entirety. I’m looking forward to communicating with the different regions of the park and different cultural resources.