Samantha Dimatteo

Where are you from? 

Marlborough, MA

Where do you attend school? Share with us the city/town, what you are majoring in, what your academic interests are? 

I just finished my undergraduate career at Framingham State University in Framingham, MA with a degree in history! I am profoundly interested in social/cultural history and the ways in which we can educate others about such subjects.

What are your career or educational goals? 

My career goals are admittedly up in the air at the moment, nevertheless, I am interested in becoming involved in the education of history, whether that be with the general public or in school systems.

Outside of school and work what are your hobbies and/or interests? 

For leisure, I love to sit back and play video games (Animal Crossing has taken up quite a bit of time since the pandemic started!) and I enjoy reading fiction when I get the chance. I also have been dabbling in writing poetry for the past year or so as a creative outlet to academic work. Overall, I truly enjoy social/cultural experiences, whether that’s traveling abroad and visiting historic sites, or writing my own creative works and watching “Ugly Delicious” on Netflix. Additionally, those who know me well also know that I’m unapologetically passionate about Disney!

What is your internship project focus? Explain what you will be doing, which parks/partners will you be working with? Who is your mentor at OCLP? 

At the Olmsted Center, I am working with Eliot Foulds and my fellow associate, Olivia So, at the Longfellow House-Washington’s Headquarters to build a cultural landscape report of the property for the past roughly twenty years. This involves not only charting what has changed on the property, but also offering suggestions regarding what to improve on site as well.

Why did you choose to participate in a Designing the Parks Internship? How is your internship hosted? (Examples include: LHIP, NCPE, ACE, HBCUI, Mosaics in Science, etc) 

I chose to participate in this program because after four years of academic research, I wanted the chance to apply my research skills while also expanding my knowledge of historic education and preservation in the public setting. This program was a unique opportunity to understand how cultural landscapes impact our experience of a historic site and the effort that it takes to preserve these landscapes. My internship is also hosted by NCPE.

What are you looking forward to learning or exploring during your internship? 

I am looking forward to expanding my horizons and learning more about architectural landscaping through both the planning and maintenance of these historic settings. It is fascinating to see how landscape preservation and history collide to preserve our culture and history.

What types of opportunities will Designing the Parks provide you with? 

There are numerous opportunities offered with Designing the Parks. Our team of associates have offered suggestions for enrichment opportunities in addition to our projects that will allow us to better understand the National Parks System and what different people do within it. We also have the opportunity to network and meet people from within the Olmsted Center and beyond.