Rebekah Everett

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia!

 Where do you attend school? 

I am a recent graduate of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. I graduated with a B.S. in Geographic Science with a concentration in Critical Geography and a minor in Environmental Studies. My main academic interests are historical geography and the intersection of social and political systems on landscapes and communities.

What are your career or educational goals?

After gaining some field experience through this internship and other opportunities, I hope to go back to school to get my master’s degree and continue to develop my interests in geography and adjacent fields.

 Outside of school and work what are your hobbies and/or interests?

I am active in amateur astronomy and spend many clear moonless nights observing with my telescope! I also enjoy gardening, photography, birdwatching, and reading.

What is your internship project focus? 

My internship focuses on assisting with Cultural Landscape Inventories of Valley Forge National Park as well as Petersburg National Battlefield. My program partner is the National Council for Preservation Education (NCPE), and I’m excited to be working with Tim Layton as my mentor.

Why did you choose to participate in a Designing the Parks Internship?

I chose to participate in this internship because I felt it was a great way to put into use many of the geographic principles I have learned about throughout my undergraduate education. Landscape management, historical change, and development of protected areas are all areas of geographic study that I look forward to engaging with throughout this experience.

What are you looking forward to learning or exploring during your internship?

I am excited to go out into the field and work hands-on with these landscapes and I also look forward to learning more specifically about landscape preservation and management of historic battlegrounds as I develop my work with Valley Forge and Petersburg National Battlefield.

What types of opportunities will Designing the Parks provide you with?

This multifaceted internship will allow me to develop diverse experiences in land management, planning, and mapping, all of which are interests of mine within geography. I am excited to develop a robust set of skills that are unique to this program!